I'm a software engineer currently at [Genesys](http://www.genesys.com/) in RTP, mostly working in JVM-based languages these days. If you like any of the tools I've made available and have a suggestion, feel free to open up a GitHub issue.

Otherwise, enjoy!

Excel Streaming Reader

Streaming Excel reader based on Apache POI and optimized for low memory usage.

JSON View Serializer

Jackson-based JSON serializer for dynamic exclusion of class fields.

PR Harmony

Bitbucket/Stash plugin providing pull request reviewing rules to large teams.

Stash Token Auth

Bitbucket/Stash plugin providing users token-based API access.

Json-View 0.14

The latest versions of json-view and spring-json-view are now available in Maven Central!


  • Support for @JsonProperty (#36)
  • Support for Java8 dates (#28)
  • New module implementation for easier configuration (#38)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.

PR Harmony 2.3.3

The latest version of PR Harmony is now available on the Atlassian Marketplace. Thanks to artem-zinnatullin for his contributions to this release!


  • Support for “Needs work” in pull requests (#58)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.

Json-View 0.13

The latest versions of json-view and spring-json-view are now available in Maven Central! Thanks to spheras for his contributions to this release.


  • Added default view for Spring integration (#37)
  • Allowing custom serializers for specific classes (#35)
  • No longer replacing all Spring message converters (#30)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.

Excel Streaming Reader 1.0.1

The latest version of Excel Streaming Reader is now available on Maven Central. Thanks to bvp and ToddWarwaruk for their contributions to this release!


  • Support for Sheet.isColumnHidden() and Row.getZeroHeight() (#48)
  • Support for Row.getLastCellNum() (#41)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.

PR Harmony 2.3.2

The latest version of PR Harmony is now available on the Atlassian Marketplace!


  • Allowing groups of unlimited size (#47)
  • Ignoring missing users from configuration (#49)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.

Json-View 0.12

The latest versions of json-view and spring-json-view are now available in Maven Central!


  • Support for BigDecimal serialization (#23)
  • Support for @JsonBackReference (#24)
  • Support for @JsonIgnoreProperties on fields (#26)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.

Bitbucket Plugins Update

The PR Harmony and Token Authenticator plugin marketplace listings have been updated to be compatibile with the latest Bitbucket verison (4.6.1). No code changes were made, but the basic features were tested locally with the Atlassian SDK.

If you encounter any new issues with these plugins as a result of the 4.6.1 upgrade, please open a new Github issue on the appropriate project:

Excel Streaming Reader 1.0.0

The library now supports POI Workbooks and Sheets, allowing for even easier integration into existing projects. Included in this new API is the ability to iterate over all sheets in the workbook (#16).

All future features will be implemented on the 1.0 version. You can read more on the README about this.

Excel Streaming Reader 0.2.13


  • Inline string support (#36)
  • Properly closing files (#39)

This is the last feature release of the 0.2 version of this library. Future features will be implemented on the 1.0 version. You can read more on the README about this.

Json-View 0.11

The latest versions of json-view and spring-json-view are now available in Maven Central!


  • Serializer now respects interfaces correctly (#25)

If you run into any issues after upgrading to the latest version of the library, please open an issue for it.